

英漢字典: follow out

1. do fully; carry out; finish貫徹執行;完成

    The boy followed out the instructions and made a fine model plane. 這男孩按照說明書完成了一個模型飛機。

    When you have formed a plan you must follow it out. 計劃訂出之後,你就必須貫徹執行。

    It's imperative that you follow out the doctor't directions. 你必須遵照醫囑。

    They followed out their orders to the letter. 他們不折不扣地執行命令。

2. keep working at sth. until it is finished; follow to the end or to a conclusion對…尋根究底;把…搞個水落石出

    The student followed out all the index references in the encyclopedia until he found what he wanted to know. 這位學生查遍百科全書內所有的索引,最後終于找到了他所想要的資料。

    case,we ought to follow out all the leads. 要把這個案件搞個水落石出,我們就應該把所有的線索都調查清楚。

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